Hello World

Hi all,

Sorry I didn’t start writing to you all sooner, but they wouldn’t let me out of the hospital for the first 48 hours after my birth and well dad wouldn’t let me use the computer until after he was certain I knew all the species of fish he has in his fish tank first.

Well I suppose I will start out by telling you all a little bit about myself. My name is Jack Roger Coenen and I came into this world on 5-25-05 at exactly 4:00PM CST. I weighed 7lbs 8.5 oz and was 21 inches long. Long and skinny, gee wonder where I got that from.

Speaking of my parents I’ll give you a little info about them so you know who I am making fun of in the rest of my posts. My mother is Betsy Coenen (Fannin) and my dad is Jeremy Coenen. I am the first of many Coenen children (at least that’s what dad told me) and am also the first of many many grandchildren for my grandparents Kate and Rob Fannin and also the first “Coenen” grandchild for my other grandparents Roger and Gloria Coenen.

I’ll maybe draw up a family tree to throw up on Coenens.com once dad installs Visio for me and once he upgrades the monitor to a 50″ Plasma screen so that I can fit mom’s immediate family on the screen.

This blog’s purpose will be to make sure that everyone who reads it knows who Jack is, that way the next time someone tells you that “You don’t know Jack” you can respond yes I do he’s that cute little Coenen kid who pokes fun of his parent’s at TheCoenens.com

One Reply to “Hello World”

  1. Jack –

    This is from Auntie Shell and I want to welcome you to the family. We are very, very happy to have you here and can’t wait to spoil you. Your parent’s have answered my prayers and I am very glad that the “package” that I ordered when they got married has been delivered.


    Auntie Shell

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